Page 5 - issue_9-vol_9-Mexican-Gastronomy
P. 5


 A legacy of flavors and tradition
 A legacy of flavors and tradition
 A legacy of flavors and tradition

           Regional Mexican Food

           The Mexican food style is very earthy, humble, and rich in flavors
           because they use a wide range of ingredients from all over the country.
           Mexico can be classified by region by their indigenous foods.

           1.  The Northern region is well-known for meat and cheeses

           2.  The North-Pacific coast grows more fruit and vegetables

           3.  The Bajio region contains more rice, pork, and sausages

           4.  The South-Pacific coast growing a large variety of chili pepper, chicken, and cheese

           5.  The Southern region is known for corn and spices

           6.  The Gulf region has corn and vanilla
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