Page 14 - issue_9-vol_9-Mexican-Gastronomy
P. 14

Also in the Mitte district you’ll find the WeihnachtsZau-  Music, handicrafts, food and drink are everywhere.
           ber market. While in English we might say the magic  At Marienplatz a giant Christmas tree lights up the
           of Christmas, the literal translation is Christmas Magic.  square and Saint  Nicholas  might  just  make  an  ap-
           This is one of the busiest Berlin Christmas markets with  pearance. Local tradition says that Saint Nicholas has
           more than half a million visitors each year.        a scary assistant known as the Krampus, whose job
                                                               it is to frighten naughty children into mending their
           The Lucia Christmas market is a Scandinavian themed  ways. Twice during the season a Krampus Run fea-
           market complete with historical merry-go-rounds and  tures elaborately costumed two horned, hairy runners
           more than 60 stalls featuring food, drink and handi-  going through the square.
           crafts. Live entertainment is featured every night.
                                                               From late November until Christmas, no matter where
           DRESDEN                                             in Germany you find yourself you can’t help but expe-
           Germany’s oldest and largest Christmas market is the  rience that feeling called gemutlichkeit at a Christmas
           Striezelmarkt in Dresden. It has run since the 15th cen-  market nearby.
           tury. The market is named after a traditional Dresden
           Christmas stollen, a cake that is now enjoyed around  For more information go to
           Germany and all over the world.           

           Striezelmarkt is home to the world’s largest Christmas
           pyramid, standing 14 meters tall. Turning on the pyra-
           mid officially opens the market.

           Throughout the season a series of festivals give you rea-
           son to return to Striezelmarkt over and over. The stollen
           festival, pyramid festival and gingerbread festival each
           take their turn and through the entire time there is mu-
           sic and dancing, theatre, and of course numerous stalls
           selling Christmas treats, handicrafts, and gluhwein.

           Major city squares throughout Munich host a wide variety of
           Christmas markets, from a medieval market at Wittelbacher-
           platz, an LGBTQ market on Stepnansplatz, an artisan mar-
           ket in Munich’s Schwabing district, to the traditional market
           on Marienplatz in the shadow of the historic town hall.
                                             Krampus – Munich                                                    14
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